How to Create a Financial Plan for Raising Your Family

There’s no denying that having a family comes with a lot of financial responsibility. From the moment your little one is born, you’re responsible for their wellbeing and future – which includes ensuring they have a solid financial foundation.

While it may seem daunting, financial planning for your family doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, with a little forethought and organisation, it can be relatively straightforward.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to financial planning for families in Australia. In this guide, we’ll cover everything from setting up a budget to investing for your family’s future. So, whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, read on for everything you need to know about financial planning for your family.

How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Family in Australia?

The cost of raising a family in Australia varies considerably depending on your location and lifestyle. In general, however, it’s estimated that a family of four will spend anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 per week to cover the cost of essentials such as food, rent, child care and transportation.

Of course, this is just a starting point. Families with higher incomes may spend more on things like holidays and entertainment, while those on a lower income may be spending more on necessities such as food and clothing.

How to Create a Financial Plan for Raising Your Family

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of money you’ll need to raise your family will vary depending on your individual circumstances. However, there are some key steps you can take to create a financial plan that will work for you:

1. Define Your Goals

Before you can start planning your finances, you need to know what you’re aiming for. What are your long-term goals for your family? Do you want to be able to send your kids to private school? Take regular vacations? Have a comfortable retirement?

2. Know Your Starting Point

Once you know your goals, you need to take a look at your current financial situation. How much money do you have coming in each month? What are your regular expenses? Do you have any debts or savings?

3. Make a Budget

Now that you know where you’re starting from and where you want to be, you can start putting together a budget. There are a number of different ways to do this, but the key is to make sure your income covers your essential expenses and leaves room for savings.

4. Invest in Your Future

One of the most important things you can do for your family’s financial future is to start investing early. This can be done through a number of different methods, such as investing in a solid stock portfolio, contributing to a retirement fund or investing in property.

5. Review and Adjust Your Plan

Your financial situation will change over time, so it’s important to review and adjust your plan regularly. As your family grows and your income changes, you may need to make tweaks to ensure your plan is still on track.


Financially planning for a family in Australia can be a daunting task, but it is important to consider all of your options and make a plan that suits your family’s unique needs. There are several government benefits and programs available to families, so be sure to investigate these. Additionally, there are a number of ways to save money on everyday expenses, so it is worth doing your research and planning ahead. With careful planning and consideration, you can ensure that your family is financially secure.

If you are looking for the best financial advice on the Gold Coast, look no further than our expertise here at New Wave Financial Planning. We are a financial advisory firm specialising in budgeting and cash flow, superannuation advice, building wealth, amongst other things. Call us today and let us discuss all your financial options.

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