solar panels

3 Innovative Solutions That Help Tackle Climate Change


Climate change is a serious problem, and with time running out, we are all at the point where if we do not take action, the world as we know it may change for the worse.

There is some good news, however. While political leaders may seem inactive in the fight for climate change, businesses, communities, and other bodies are working hard to create solutions to combat it. Amazingly, plenty of innovations have been created geared towards slowing down and even stopping climate change.

While we’re still a long way in turning climate change into a problem we no longer have to fear, these innovations are slowly being implemented to ensure our future. Here some of the most compelling ones dedicated to brightening up our future:

1. Removing Carbon

One of the biggest causes of climate change is the increased carbon particles in the atmosphere. This is caused by many different things, including cars to factories that are pumping out large amounts of carbon. Fortunately, there are plenty of efforts to scrub carbon out of the atmosphere, and the most popular way to do precisely that is to plant trees.

Reforestation is one of the many solutions that we are employing to remove carbon from the atmosphere. As the name implies, reforestation is planting trees to grow more plants to clean the air. Another popular way to scrub the air from carbon is through seaweed farms. These sea plants are effective at capturing carbon while oxygenating the waters.

2. Replacing Fossil Fuel

The use of fossil fuels is one of the significant causes of carbon in the atmosphere. The act of burning it through various means such as heating homes or powering vehicles is just some of the many examples of ways fossil fuel can fill the air with carbon. While we still rely on fossil fuel quite heavily today, many other solutions exist to help significantly alleviate this reliance, such as introducing electric-powered vehicles and using solar energy.

Many institutional investors today are also divesting from fossil fuels. In other words, they no longer invest in companies whose business is focused on fossil fuels. This motivates companies to utilize other fuels that are less harmful to the atmosphere to create a better earth.

3. Maximising Solar Energy

As you may have seen on many homes today, many have solar panels installed on them. While these are only small-scale solutions, a collective effort can lead to excellent results. Solar panels help to reduce the reliance on many households and other properties on electricity provided by the grid, which, in many cases, is generated through carbon-producing means.

In essence, solar panels help reduce electricity consumption from these power plants, reducing the household’s carbon footprint. Many companies are also setting up solar-powered solutions to power their business, and some are geared to providing solar energy to their respective communities. These collective efforts help to reduce the need for fossil-fuel-powered electricity and rather use power supplied by the sun.


Apart from the carbon-eliminating solutions above, many more are being implemented. Regardless of the methods, businesses and companies worldwide should be moving away from carbon-producing solutions and more so focus on cleaner energy.

Not only will this help to create a better, greener world, but it can also help companies capitalize on other advantages. Customers are much more green-minded nowadays, and a company that advertises that effort will be much more trustworthy and enjoy plenty more attention. In other words, go green for the sake of the world and your business’ success!

New Wave Advice is a financial advisory firm offering tailored solutions that empower each client to maximize their finance and success. If you are looking for sustainable investing solutions from the best financial advisors in Australia, work with us today!

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