assessing finance

Tips on Reassessing Your Current Finances: A Guide

Personal Finance, Tips and Tricks

One of the best ways to organise our finances is by doing a thorough reassessment of our current earnings. Putting details into our current total income and expenditures will help us plan, adjust and allocate our money properly to balance our books. 

With good budget advice, we can organise our financial details and put minimum allocations towards better options such as investments, savings and even future retirement funding without cutting into a normalised monthly budget that still addresses our needs.

To help plan your reassessment, here are some finance tips and tricks to organising your funds

Take a Closer Look at Your Finances

It is important to go beyond the typical financial assessment of just income and expenses. Without properly detailing and listing your actual expenses and payments, you may fail to see problem areas in your budget that you can adjust, replace, or even eliminate. Going through each type of expense can help you decide if they are negligible enough to remove from your list of essential expenses.

Many of your expenses will fall under this category. However, complicated and extensive budgets may benefit from a more thorough assessment from a family financial advisor as their service would include post-assessment advice.

Identify Extra Income Versus Priority Expenses

First, detail your incoming funds separately and post all your priorities. All nonessential expenses are grouped into adjustable income. The second is to list all expenses into categories and importance. You can adjust and calculate the extra income funds to clear extra debt, start savings, or put aside for emergency funds.

Take a look at current financial liabilities with a fixed term or duration payments, such as rent or mortgages, monthly bills, budgets and main expenses. Even current credit card debt should be taken into account, no matter how many more months you have remaining.

Make sure to include investments, insurance premiums, educational loan premiums and other paid duration plans. The idea is to reallocate extra lean money into clearing all debts and payables as soon as possible to finally reduce and stop what we can call drain expenses that can eat away at our extra income.

Manage Debt and Savings

Having a complete view of your finances can help identify which specific parts of your income are adjustable to add balance to your budget. You can determine minimal amounts that will go to savings or debt clearance.

Check if a debt solution for remaining debt and credit card bills is resolvable through other manageable means. In some extreme cases, better debt management through debt consolidation services can streamline monthly payments into just one standard payment over a certain shorter period, which removes the burden of multi-payment over different accounts.

Once you clear all of your balances, the finances left from your extra income pool are usable for future funds. These funds can be allocated for retirement funds, your superannuation fund from your employment and other retirement planning and retirement investments to help develop your funds over time as an extra backup for your retirement years.


There are great benefits in countering your current budget strategies using a thorough reassessment of your detailed finances. The first step in reassessment determines the biggest possible extra income funding pool, which will be the basis for your expenses and liabilities that you need to clear in priority. Once you complete the whole reassessment process, you can also allocate part of the money to more meaningful payments in savings, retirement and educational and insurance funds.

New Wave Advice understands the need for better ways to manage current finances. Get in touch with us if you need the help of a professional financial adviser on the Gold Coast. We’ve been advising families for years on the best possible steps to protect their finances. Our reassessments aim to solve current liabilities with modern and more practical approaches.

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